Louise inspires hope, connects with readers, and imparts effective tools for change through her writing. Enjoy samples of her works and some of her favorite quotes below.

Bedazzled Yet Bewildered
Parents of a “differently-abled” child can often attest to how their special child bedazzles with their endearing qualities and by steering the family toward what really matters in life! At the same time, there can be a sense of bewilderment that comes with managing custodial demands, navigating the system, facing medical struggles, and bouts of grieving the expectations of a typical child.
How do parents manage the diagnosed child’s often arduous needs, care for their other children, tend to their own health and nurture their marriage or other invaluable relationships? This book addresses these difficult challenges and offers refreshing ideas and solutions. Readers find encouragement to remain honest, keep the humor, and embrace a sense of adventure!
The book’s author and her husband parented three amazing children, two who were born with cerebral palsy and a variety of challenges. Throughout it all they learned to embrace joy along with the challenges of their circumstances. Their hope is shared while respecting the reader’s own journey.
Louise’s real-life anecdotes are woven throughout this candid look at the parenting of handicapped children. Stories of creative fun with a unique family, daily struggles, and social nuances are shared with witty yet touching stories of their most prized memories and lessons. The author is the founder of The LaChris Connection, a non-profit organization developed to provide families with resources for care-providers and adaptive opportunities. She brings her experience of serving the custom needs of many families whose children have an array of diagnoses.
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Want to learn about Louise’s experience on this subject? Click the link below to find out more.

“No matter where you are in exploring this new world, we’ll cross paths as you read on! You may be grappling for the disrupted dream, guessing at the future or on autopilot one day at a time. You are undoubtedly experiencing a host of emotions. You may be savoring the enlightenment that your special one is teaching your family about love, laughter and the simple delights of life! Throughout this book we’ll explore the trials and wonders of these dichotomies.”
Some of My Favorite Quotes
“He [God] gives us strength when we’re suffering. He gives us compassion when all that we feel is hatred. He gives us courage when we’re searching around blindly like little mice in the darkness.”
– Gene Wilder as Avram, Frisco Kid 1979
The Rise & Fall of My Heart
Prepare to be wowed as you’re introduced to Laura Alicia Bruce as portrayed by her mom in this loving memoir. Laura was born with brain damage sustained from a stroke during gestation. While her family was falling in love with her beautiful, petite self, doctors were forming a prognosis. The final platform of information on which the Bruces would raise their daughter was, “She has brain damage that comes with the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. This could mean she will either be slightly weaker on one side or never be able to walk or talk.”
In this memoir you’ll learn how Laura so beautifully filled the blank slate of that gaping, open-ended forecast. Walking and talking were never realized, yet she approached life as if she had no limitations whatsoever! From her wheelchair, by example, she taught those around her what truly matters in life.
As you become absorbed into her world, you, too, will glean life lessons. You will read of her influence on others through humorous anecdotes and touching tales that reflect her love, stamina, perseverance, slapstick humor, and empathy. She was a loyal friend beyond measure, a smart aleck, a peacemaker, and a party girl. Being relentlessly demanding was somehow balanced by her incredible patience, compassion, and an uncanny sixth sense. Above all, Laura radiated joy. Exemplary, contagious joy! Considering her contributions, her short life was equivalent to at least twice the years when she left this world, all too soon, at the age of 16. Hence, the rise and fall of her mother’s heart.
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Want to learn about Louise’s experience on this subject? Click the link below to find out more.

“Though barely settled in the pre-op registration waiting room, Laura had a plan for social interaction. Spotting a handsome teenager, she pointed a finger at him repeatedly from her wheelchair as if shooting lasers. With a “who me?” look on his face, he pointed to his chest. Laura bellowed “yea” (one of her only two verbal words). Scooping air with her arm she beckoned Anthony and his outpatient girlfriend to join us in a roaring game of UNO. Though aware of the indelible impression she often leaves, we were still amazed when, a day later, Tony timidly stepped into our pediatric recovery room toting a ‘bear-in-a-bucket’ gift shop goodie to his surprise visit with Laura!”
Hope for Change
Prepare to hear yourself saying, “Oh, that makes sense! Yes, I can choose that small step!” as this book illustrates clear path choices to true transformation. We often find ourselves butting up against ineffective learned behaviors that hinder our success and relationships. These characteristics can keep us trapped in the negative, repeating cycles that can feel hopeless. Yet, throughout life, we have also tasted triumph in overcoming certain character flaws, leaving us optimistic about change.
Hope for Change removes some of the mystery behind why our best efforts sometimes result in setbacks versus progress. By introducing ways to re-direct those efforts toward our underlying postures, the reader will sense hope for future victories. Practical, attainable, drill-down applications are consistently offered, making this a refreshing read.
Two contrasting diagrams are presented. Familiar choices we make are shown, with their likely cyclical outcomes. One cycle illustration shows self-reliant choices that create struggling and defeat. The other reminds us of God-reliant choices that create freedom and transformation. This tool for the visual learner is a birds-eye view of the author’s message and ensures a quality take-away! The author offers her own and others’ down-to-earth accounts of gaining valuable breakthroughs from burdensome cycles. Enjoy learning about replacing negative cycles for positive ones and allowing God’s healing grace and unconditional love to work in your life.
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Want to learn about Louise’s experience on this subject? Click the link below to find out more.

“Visualize yourself with clenched fists as you ‘white knuckle it’ to do the best you can in life. Now imagine opening your hands, palms upward, primed to receive God’s love, guidance, help and power to accomplish those identical goals! Even the thought of that can evoke a deep sigh of relief.”
What Did You Say?
Have you ever felt you didn’t have a voice? Or that what you wish to express isn’t understood? You’ll read of the familiar sounding ‘brick walls’ we often hit when attempting to connect with loved ones and others. A refreshingly honest look at dead-end interactions is made complete by presenting attainable solutions. Underlying needs or agendas are introduced as culprits for some of our futile bantering.
The reader is led through steps that assist with healing of wounds which are often the cause of our ineffective communication skills. This guidance is reinforced by candid portrayals of the author and others when they’re acting and reacting from an injured place. Familiar sounding experiences combined with attainable personal challenges leave the reader with a great chance for real, foundational change.
On the lighter side, the author offers common sense communication practices to help us give and receive messages more effectively. Intriguing suggestions are abundant for ways to avoid hurting others and escaping conversations that set us up for disappointment. The win-win in reading this book is the opportunity for personal growth with the bonus of markedly healthier relationships!
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Want to learn about Louise’s experience on this subject? Click the link below to find out more.

“Enter a discission confident that you’re worthy to be heard and that your concern is legitimate. Know your primary, heartfelt appeal. Do not stray far from that point. We may simply state our feelings and not defend them. We can leave our ideas with the listener to ponder. If we don’t need to win, then there’s no need to fight. Be content that you chose to be a healthy communicator. Period.”.
Where’d Everybody Go?
It’s commonly agreed that there is nothing like losing a child. This author’s forthright portrayal of mourning the deaths of two of her children will help anyone touched by a parent’s grief to explore their own journey with a bit more ease. Upon reading, a bereaved parent will feel utterly understood.
Conventional wisdom on the stages of grief and what the bereaved generally need from others are touched upon. Yet, refreshingly, this book offers parents sincere thoughts, not trite platitudes. It becomes clear that the author respects that not all advice applies to all people.
Additionally, subjects that are often neglected in this genre are explored, such as how practical details of life and sudden social changes affect those who are grieving. These, along with other proverbial ‘straws on a camel’s back’ are acknowledged. Along with this recognition, excellent practical advice is offered. As circumstances are brought into the light, parents sense a comforting ring of familiarity which brings healing and empowerment.
The author gifts the reader with great solace through her testimony of emotional healing and spiritual assuredness. Her practical recognition of despair is validating, yet palpable hope is attained through her reflections. Finally, as strange as it may sound, you’ll even get a taste of Louise and her husband’s underpinning belief that, in all things, it’s healing to keep one’s humor intact.
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Want to learn about Louise’s experience on this subject? Click the link below to find out more.